Remote Education
Remote Learning for Children during Lockdown
During the lockdown period, school will provide curriculum aligned remote learning. Learning at home during this period will be through the use of online learning programmes as well as the use of a printed learning packs where required.
Your child will need to access to the following each day:
- Google Classroom to access curriculum learning. It is essential that they access Google Classroom as this is where the lessons which would have been completed in school will be posted. Children will access some live zoom session, teacher videos, view set work and will also be able to upload work for teaching staff to review and give feedback.
- Tapestry journal (Nursery and Reception)
- Reading buddies. Pupils can read books set to their reading level and complete quizzes.
- Purple Mash
- Times Table Rock Stars (Year 2-Year 6)
- SATs Companion (Year 5 and Year 6)