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Prestolee Multi Academy Trust Prestolee SCITT
Prestolee Primary School home page

Ethos, Vision & Values

   Vision Statement


We want all members of the school community to aspire to the Prestolee Standard.


‘To be better than you have ever been before - Aiming High.’


At Prestolee we work to ensure:





A school where every child has the chance to shine and  is prepared for a future of possibilities. 


                       Our Core Values

                                        Sense of Belonging


                                              Success for All


Philosophy and Purpose

At Prestolee, we feel that the school should provide the foundation and opportunity for all children in our care to become well rounded and capable individual members of a society which continually evolves and develops.


When children leave Prestolee we want them to be independent learners and thinkers with a range of skills and talents. We can do this by striving to provide an environment for learning in which children are able to maximise their potential academically, socially, physically and emotionally. Within this we strive to provide a curriculum which is broad based, exciting and creative.  We aim to be a school where children are taught knowledge, skills and develop positive attitudes to learning and to others. Where children become self-confident learners with a love for learning which will stay with them for life.



These aims are a general statement of intent and represent the ideals towards which the school will strive.  They make a point of reference for staff when planning any activity.


We as a school aim to ensure that all members of our school community:

  • Foster and maintain an ethos which is supportive to all members of the school community, irrespective of ability, gender, ethnic or social background and which ensures that all feel valued and cared for.
  • Work collaboratively providing the best possible social, academic and cultural development for our pupils.
  • Recognises the importance of high academic attainment and the importance of striving for highest possible standards.
  • Understand and communicate the importance of citizenship.
  • Work together to provide a safe, secure environment to work in.
  • Develop a curriculum which is broad, relevant and exciting.
  • Provide an education which strives to give children a voice and who are active learners in a stimulating environment.
  • Learn about the world and our locality which is ethnically and culturally diverse.
  • Recognise the integral part ICT plays in our daily lives.
  • Where health and health education is developed consistently throughout school.
  • Where parents are partners in the education process and where the school values the opinions of all stakeholders.


We want the children in our care to:

  • Want to be at our school, developing into independent learners who are adaptable, questioning, curious and confident in their own ability to achieve their full potential.
  • Emotionally literate, recognising a shared moral code and acting accordingly.
  • Be tolerant of others recognising the uniqueness of individuals and respecting others.
  • Feel valued, are happy and inspired, experiencing success and willing to take risks confidently learning from failure.
  • Develop a positive work ethos. Children should be encouraged to acquire and hone academic, aesthetic and individual skills which maximise their achievements and ensure they take a pride in themselves and their school.
  • Develop a respect and a tolerance for all religious, moral and cultural values including having a regard to the wider community.
  • Have a voice and a feeling of ownership of the school which leads them to act responsibly towards the school environment and those who work within it.
  • Develop into confident and assertive individuals who work together well.
  • Develop a sense of discipline and good behaviour, leading to acceptable standards of interaction with both adults and peers becoming cooperative and responsible individuals.